PGA Golf Club Membership

Welcome to The PGA Golf Club

To assist PGA Members who would like to play more golf outside of Professional Tournaments, your Association has established the PGA Golf Club.  

The PGA Golf Club is an official club, registered through Golf Australia which will manage a golf link handicap in much the same way as any other Golf Club can.   PGA Member’s wishing to take up this opportunity can now do so free of charge. 

Available to all Vocational Members regardless of whether it is via the transfer a current golf link number or establishing a golf link handicap for the first time, PGA Golf Club Membership will provide access to a GA handicap from join date to 31 March with automatic renewal each year.

For more information or assistance, please email: or phone 03 8320 1911

30/01/2023 9:00 AM - 31/03/2025 11:00 PM
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Receipt will be issued upon payment
If you are experiencing any difficulties registering please contact the PGA on 03 8320 1911